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Improved technology has made switching to electric power a viable option…
We've been considering switching to electric equipment for almost ten years but had some concerns. Electric versions were less powerful, reliable, and affordable than gas-powered tools. However, we've been testing new tools and equipment and are pleased to say things have changed!
In 2014, we started taking steps towards a more sustainable future by testing battery-operated leaf blowers from Stihl. These blowers worked great at cleaning up hard surfaces after lawn and garden maintenance. We soon began exploring other battery-powered tools. With advancements in technology, we're confident that we'll be able to fully transition to electric equipment by 2026!
Gas mowers and other lawn care equipment may be small, but they significantly impact our health and the environment — and none of it is good. They emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and surface ozone, affecting air quality and contributing to respiratory issues.
According to the California Air Resources Board, operating a new gas-powered lawn mower for an hour emits as much pollution as driving a new car 300 miles… and is even worse. Here’s what you can do to help:
Advances in battery technology have increased battery life and shortened charging times, making battery-powered equipment a viable option for us. According to the Home Depot, their EGO Power+ self-propelled electric lawn mower can cut up to half an acre on a single charge.
Here’s our progress to date… and what you can expect from us in the future!
Phase one — A three-year plan to convert all small equipment to battery-powered.
Phase two — A three-year plan to replace all blowers and mowers with battery-operated versions.
Phase three — Exploring battery/electric vehicle options for commercial use.
We’re proud to say that all of our small hand-held equipment is now 100% battery-powered, including string trimmers, battery edgers for sidewalks, and hedge trimmers for winter gardening and routine pruning services. The long-awaited backpack blower versions are also available for testing and ordering now…
We began testing 52” electric lawn mowers in the past two years and will order our first one in 2023. By 2026, we plan to have all the equipment used by our lawn and garden maintenance teams converted to 100% battery-powered equipment.
Battery-powered equipment offers many benefits for the environment, as well as for homeowners and clients.
We can help create a cleaner and healthier planet for our children and grandchildren by embracing sustainable practices and moving away from gas-powered equipment.
If you’re interested in hearing more about our move toward electric equipment or would like us to manage your lawn and garden care for you, give us a call or book a free consultation with one of our lawn & garden care specialists. We’re here to help you enjoy your yard!
Written by Brandon Rushing, Founder & President
Posted on: April 25th, 2023